Privacy policy

The protection of your privacy is of great concern to us. We therefore proceed with all data processing procedures (e.g. collection, processing and transmission) in accordance with the legal regulations of European and German data protection law.

The following declaration gives you an overview of which of your data is requested on our websites, how this data is used and passed on, how you can obtain information about the information given to us and what security measures we take to protect your data.

1. who is your contact person (responsible person) for your data protection concern?

The person responsible in the sense of the data protection regulations for all data processing carried out via our websites is:

INNOVECS GmbH, Bremer Straße 64 a, 27404 Zeven, Phone: +49.4281.95 14 95, [email protected]

Name and address of the data protection officer

The data protection officer of INNOVECS GmbH is:

Fabian Witthans
Innovecs GmbH
Bremer Street 64a
27404 Zeven
Phone: +49 (0) 151 18 20 22 99
E-mail [email protected]

Any data subject may contact our data protection officer directly at any time with any questions or suggestions regarding data protection.

What data do we need from you to use our websites? What data is collected and stored during use?

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”), such as your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, bank details and IP address.

As a matter of principle, we collect and use personal data of our users only to the extent that this is necessary for the provision of a functional website as well as our content and services. The collection and use of personal data of our users is generally only carried out with the consent of the user. An exception is made in cases where it is not possible to obtain prior consent for actual reasons and the processing of the data is permitted by law.

Usage data

When using our websites, the following data is logged, whereby the storage serves exclusively internal system-related and statistical purposes, so-called usage data:

  • Information about the browser type and version used
  • The operating system of the user
  • The Internet service provider of the user
  • The IP address of the user
  • Date and time of access
  • Websites from which the user’s system accesses our website
  • Web pages that are called up by the user’s system via our website
  • The data is also stored in the log files of our system. Not affected by this are the IP addresses of the user or other data that allow the data to be assigned to a user. A storage of this data together with other personal data of the user does not take place.

The legal basis for the temporary storage of the data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DS-GVO. The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to enable delivery of the website to the user’s computer. For this purpose, the IP address of the user must remain stored for the duration of the session. These purposes are also our legitimate interest in data processing according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DS-GVO.

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. In the case of the collection of data for the provision of the website, this is the case when the respective session has ended.

The collection of data for the provision of the website and the storage of the data in log files is absolutely necessary for the operation of the website. Consequently, there is no possibility for the user to object.

3. Contact

On our website, we provide contact options for you to use to contact us and address your concerns to us.

If you send us an e-mail to the e-mail address provided, the personal data you then transmit may also be stored.

We will only use your data to process your request and may contact you for this purpose using the contact details provided. We do not use this data for advertising purposes or pass it on to third parties.

The legal basis for the processing of data transmitted in the course of sending an e-mail or also by telephone or in writing is Art. 6 (1) lit. f DS-GVO. If the contact aims at the conclusion of a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DS-GVO. The processing of the contact by us is the necessary legitimate interest in the processing of the data.

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. For the personal data that you have sent us via the communication channels offered, this is the case when the respective conversation with you has ended. The conversation is ended when it is clear from the circumstances that the matter in question has been conclusively clarified.

Right of objection.
You can object to the storage of your personal data at any time to [email protected]. In such a case, the conversation cannot be continued.

All personal data stored in the course of contacting you will be deleted in this case.

4. what security measures have we taken to protect your data?

We have implemented a variety of security measures to adequately and appropriately protect personal information.

Our databases are protected by physical, technical, and procedural measures that limit access to the information to specifically authorized individuals in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Our information system is located behind a software firewall to prevent access from other networks that connect to the Internet. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job are granted access to personally identifiable information. Our employees are trained in security and privacy practices.

We use standard SSL encryption technology when collecting and transmitting data through our websites. Personal data is transmitted via SSL encryption, recognizable by the lock symbol in the browser and the addition of “https://” in the address bar.

When communicating by e-mail, we cannot guarantee complete data security.

5. Data subject rights

If your personal data is processed, you are a data subject within the meaning of the GDPR and you have the following rights vis-à-vis the controller:

Information, rectification, restriction of processing and deletion

You have the right to obtain information free of charge at any time about the data we have stored about you, its origin and recipient, as well as the purpose of the data processing via our websites. In addition, you have the right to correction, deletion and restriction of the processing of your personal data, provided that the legal requirements for this are met.

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to us as the controller in a structured, common and machine-readable format.

Right to information

If you have asserted the right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing against the controller, the controller is obliged to notify all recipients to whom the personal data concerning you have been disclosed of this rectification or erasure of the data or restriction of processing, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

You have the right to be informed about these recipients by the data controller.

Right of objection

You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you which is carried out on the basis of Article 6 (1) (e) or (f) DS-GVO; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

The controller shall no longer process the personal data concerning you unless it can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

If the personal data concerning you is processed for the purposes of direct marketing, you have the right to object at any time to processing of the personal data concerning you for the purposes of such marketing; this also applies to profiling, insofar as it is related to such direct marketing.

If you object to the processing for direct marketing purposes, the personal data concerning you will no longer be processed for these purposes.

You have the possibility, in connection with the use of information society services – notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC – to exercise your right to object by means of automated procedures using technical specifications.

Revocability of declarations of consent under data protection law

In addition, you can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future by contacting us using the contact details provided below.

Right to complain to a supervisory authority

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your residence, workplace or the place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of the status and outcome of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy under Article 78 of the GDPR.

6. changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy from time to time and without prior notice. Therefore, please check this page regularly for any changes to this privacy policy.